Video · Free
7 Mar 2024, 15:28
Easiest Way To Lengthen Your Hockey Stride
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All too often coaches and trainers complicate training when a lot of the time it's actually pretty simple. Do the basics really well and then build from there. The first thing players need to be fast on the ice is a nice long stride. If your stride is short it'll be hard to produce enough power to be fast. In this video, I go over the easiest way to lengthen your stride. It's not complicated and might seem too easy, however, it'll work! The number 1 thing you need to have to have a long stride is a good low knee bend. And to have a good low knee bend you have to have strong legs that can hold you there throughout your entire shift and game! The best way to develop that strength needed is to perform squat holds. Watch the video to learn the best way to accomplish this.
Travis Martell, CSCS
Ice Hockey
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Travis Martell (Martell.Elite.Fitness)
Ice Hockey:
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